Lexia Attorneys is growing: 8 people join Lexia from I&O Partners – the new CEO wants to develop the whole sector

June 3, 2024

Lexia is strengthening its services in employment law, public sector, insolvency law, and family wealth law with new recruits. In addition, Lexia will be better able to serve Swedish-speaking clients. According to Kimmo Oila, CEO of Lexia, artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the legal profession.

I&O Partners’ partners Leif Itäinen, Jussi-Pekka Jutila, Monica Savander-Elivuo, and five other experts: Ida-Maria Seger, Katarina Ljunglin, Kia Kopra, Nella Raiski and Sini Lilja will join Lexia. 

The macro-economic downturn has also been reflected in the demand for legal services. However, Lexia’s future looks bright. Lexia’s CEO, Kimmo Oila, having engaged in two of the largest acquisitions in the Finnish legal field, says that the new expertise will significantly strengthen Lexia’s service offering.

“We will gain additional expertise in areas such as employment law, labour law, the public sector, tendering process, and insolvency law. We are a good fit,” says Oila.

The insolvency law services offered to creditors and debtor companies cover voluntary restructurings, corporate reorganisations, receiverships, and crisis advisory for board members. 

“We are taking Lexia’s services to a new level,” says Leif Itäinen, founding partner of I&O Partners. “An important new area of expertise is family wealth law, where Lexia is now able to advise owner-managers, family businesses, and individuals more extensively.”

CEO promotes the use of technology

Kimmo Oila, who transitioned from his role as Chairman of the Board to become Lexia’s CEO as of January 2024, is a legal profession visionary who has driven the development of several legal tech applications and tools, including a “bankruptcy robot” and a trading platform for accounting automation. He also trains members of the Finnish Bar Association in the use of artificial intelligence. 

Having served as CEO and on the boards of various law firms for more than 25 years, Oila says that AI is rapidly changing the legal profession. 

“In rule-based legal work, AI is at its best – equipped with the right tools, one lawyer can now do the work that previously required up to seven people. However, interacting with people, appealing to them, and managing them will still remain a human endeavour.”

Oila’s goal-oriented leadership philosophy is based on his experiences in the world of sports.

“What we set as our target, we accomplish. If we don’t make it through the first door, we go through the next. Perseverance is important, but I also want to trust and empower the employees,” Oila says.

Kimmo Oila is not only a lawyer but also holds a Master’s degree in Engineering. He joined Lexia in 2017 and says the company has a relaxed, unpretentious culture and a great attitude.

“Our customer satisfaction is very high. We have a strong desire to leave the customer with the feeling that they have been served and that they got what they needed,” says Oila. “We are in people business.”

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